Results for 'Olga L. Gamboa'

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  1. Gametogênese Animal: Espermatogênese e Ovogênese.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    GAMETOGÊNESE -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco Departamento de Zootecnia – UFRPE Embrapa Semiárido -/- • _____OBJETIVO -/- Os estudantes bem informados, estão a buscando conhecimento a todo momento. O estudante de Veterinária e Zootecnia, sabe que a Reprodução é uma área de primordial importância para sua carreira. Logo, o conhecimento da mesma torna-se indispensável. No primeiro trabalho da série fisiologia reprodutiva dos animais domésticos, foi abordado de forma clara, didática e objetiva os mecanismos de diferenciação (...)
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  2. The Argument from Determinate Vagueness.Jaime Castillo-Gamboa - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics.
    The Lewis-Sider argument from vagueness is one of the most powerful objections against restricted composition. Many have resisted the argument by rejecting its key premise, namely that existence is not vague. In this paper, I argue that this strategy is ineffective as a response to vagueness-based objections against restricted composition. To that end, I formulate a new argument against restricted composition: the argument from determinate vagueness. Unlike the Lewis-Sider argument, my argument doesn’t require accepting that existence is not vague, but (...)
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    Prioridades OMS para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética II.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Yaneth Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo- Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quesada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 36 (1):78-86.
    Las prioridades estratégicas que definió la Organización Mundial de la Salud para su labor en la década 2020-2030 son el sustrato de este trabajo. El mismo grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud que reflexionó en la primera entrega sobre las prioridades relacionadas con lograr poblaciones más sanas, continúa con otras prioridades orientadas a lograr una cobertura sanitaria universal y un mejor manejo de las emergencias sanitarias. En las conclusiones de la segunda entrega se destaca la importancia de desarrollar cada (...)
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  4. Goltz against cerebral localization: Methodology and experimental practices.J. P. Gamboa - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84:101304.
    In the late 19th century, physiologists such as David Ferrier, Eduard Hitzig, and Hermann Munk argued that cerebral brain functions are localized in discrete structures. By the early 20th century, this became the dominant position. However, another prominent physiologist, Friedrich Goltz, rejected theories of cerebral localization and argued against these physiologists until his death in 1902. I argue in this paper that previous historical accounts have failed to comprehend why Goltz rejected cerebral localization. I show that Goltz adhered to a (...)
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  5. Proyecto genoma humano veinte años después: el pangenoma humano.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2023 - Persona y Bioética.
    La noticia de la conclusión del primer pangenoma humano ocurre veinte años después de que se pudo contar con una versión de referencia de la información genética completa de la especie humana. Las limitaciones técnicas de ese tiempo permitieron que esa versión tuviera errores y varias lagunas de la información genética. Ahora es posible contar con un nuevo atlas gigante con información que permite evidenciar la gran diversidad genética de la especie humana. Este trabajo está siendo realizado por el Consorcio (...)
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    El ser humano y su dimensión bioética.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2014
    La situación actual del hombre frente a la ciencia ya la biotecnología hace necesario el repaso de una serie de conceptos que son básicos para que esta relación no rebase los límites humanos, y sea respetuosa con la dignidad de la que es titular todo ser humano. En este sentido, la Bioética, como “ciencia puente”, ayuda a regular las actuaciones de la persona con la vida en general, pero particularmente con la vida humana, que no admite contemplaciones por su particular (...)
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  7. Sentido encarnado y expresión en Merleau-Ponty.Leonardo Verano Gamboa - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 44:105-116.
    El texto se propone abordar el problema de la expresión en la filosofía de Merleau-Ponty bajo tres aspectos generales: 1. Hacia una ontología de lo sensible, 2. Expresión y diferencia corporal y 3. Cuerpo y expresión creadora. A partir de la noción de naturaleza se busca, con el primer apartado, destacar el carácter ontológico de la percepción, con el fin de comprender por qué la percepción es ya expresión. En segundo lugar, se pretende ahondar en la tesis del cuerpo como (...)
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  8. La Declaración de Ginebra revisada a la luz de la nueva cultura.Gilberto Gamboa - 2018 - Persona y Bioética 22 (1):6-17.
    Se resaltan algunas peculiaridades sobre la manera como la Asociación Médica Mundial enfoca ciertos temas, ya que sus declaraciones y resoluciones reflejan cambios más o menos apreciables, que son manifiestos en los contenidos de ellas y orientan sus políticas. Se hace un comentario comparativo de las versiones de la Declaración de Ginebra de 1948 y 2017 con el Juramento hipocrático teniendo en cuenta las siguientes categorías: Carácter de la declaración; Tiempo verbal; Extensión en apotegmas o sentencias; núcleo epistémico; omisiones; innovaciones; (...)
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  9. On Cognitive Modeling and Other Minds.J. P. Gamboa - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):615-633.
    Scientists and philosophers alike debate whether various systems such as plants and bacteria exercise cognition. One strategy for resolving such debates is to ground claims about nonhuman cognition in evidence from mathematical models of cognitive capacities. In this article, I show that proponents of this strategy face two major challenges: demarcating phenomenological models from process models and overcoming underdetermination by model fit. I argue that even if the demarcation problem is resolved, fitting a process model to behavioral data is, on (...)
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  10. Eutanasia: falacia de morir con dignidad.Gilberto Gamboa-Bernal - 2023 - México DF.: Editorial Notas Universitarias.
    Colombia es el país donde por primera vez se legisló sobre eutanasia en América Latina y el Caribe, en el sentido de despenalizar o legalizar su práctica. La novedad del caso colombiano está en la vía jurídica mediante la cual se despenalizó el “homicidio por piedad”, denominación tipificada en el Código Penal para la eutanasia. Como se explicará en el capítulo correspondiente, la eutanasia en Colombia se despenaliza mediante una sentencia de la Corte Constitucional, máximo organismo del poder judicial del (...)
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  11. 'Being tall compared to' compared to 'being tall' and 'being taller'.Jaime Castillo-Gamboa, Alexis Wellwood & Deniz Rudin - 2021 - Proceedings of Elm 1:78-89.
    This paper investigates the semantics of implicit comparatives (Alice is tall compared to Bob) and its connections to the semantics of explicit comparatives (Alice is taller than Bob) and sentences with adjectives in plain positive form (Alice is tall). We consider evidence from two experiments that tested judgments about these three kinds of sentence, and provide a semantics for implicit comparatives from the perspective of degree semantics.
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    Algor-ética y una mirada bioética a la inteligencia artificial.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (2):e2821.
    La irrupción de la Inteligencia artificial (IA) causa esperanzas e incertidumbres, por las amplias posibilidades que tiene, pero también por los riesgos que representa. Luego de explicar sucintamente en qué consiste la IA, se exponen ejemplos de la presencia de sistemas y aplicaciones en distintos y dispares campos: en la industria, la biotecnología, el cambio climático, la medicina, los negocios, el entretenimiento y las finanzas. Los efectos que la IA puede causar en el planeta, en la cultura y en la (...)
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  13.  38
    Bioética y Biojurídica: vías para reconciliar integralmente al ser humano.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2024 - Ius Humani. Revista de Derecho 13 (2):291-327.
    Aunque la bioética surgió en un contexto de investigación biomédica y del ejercicio de las ciencias de la salud, no se limitó a este ámbito. V. R. Potter propuso una bioética global, en la cual el medio ambiente debía ser también protagonista. Una de las tareas fundamentales de la bioética, desde sus orígenes, es devolverle al ejercicio de la medicina el componente humano que los desarrollos biotecnológicos amenazan con erosionar. La bioética debe servir también para reconciliar al ser humano consigo (...)
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  14. Integrating Philosophy of Understanding with the Cognitive Sciences.Kareem Khalifa, Farhan Islam, J. P. Gamboa, Daniel Wilkenfeld & Daniel Kostić - 2022 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 16.
    We provide two programmatic frameworks for integrating philosophical research on understanding with complementary work in computer science, psychology, and neuroscience. First, philosophical theories of understanding have consequences about how agents should reason if they are to understand that can then be evaluated empirically by their concordance with findings in scientific studies of reasoning. Second, these studies use a multitude of explanations, and a philosophical theory of understanding is well suited to integrating these explanations in illuminating ways.
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  15. Maternidad subrogada a debate.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2023 - Persona y Bioética 27 (1):e2711.
    La maternidad subrogada es una respuesta técnica ante una dificultad biológica que se puede dar en la reproducción humana. Luego de una introducción, que muestra la problemática que la guerra en Ucrania ha ocasionado en esta materia, se exponen algunas generalidades sobre la maternidad subrogada, su presencia en el mundo y sus costos; así mismo, se reflexiona sobre los problemas éticos, bioéticos y biojurídicos desde las perspectivas biológica, antropológica y jurídica en cada uno de los actores del proceso (madre sustituta, (...)
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  16. Prioridades de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética I.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Janethe Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo-Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quezada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 35:65-76.
    Justo antes de la pandemia por COVID-19, la Organización Mundial de la Salud definió unas prioridades de trabajo para la década 2020-2030. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud reflexiona sobre estas prioridades, determinando unas categorías de análisis y, desde una perspectiva bioética, analiza cada una de ellas, ve su pertinencia, algunos eventos causales, las implicaciones que pueden tener si no son enfrentadas adecuadamente y hace sugerencias sobre la forma de llevarlas a cabo. En esta primera entrega se analiza (...)
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  17.  36
    Emociones y Bioética.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2023 - México, D.F.: Editorial NUN.
    En este libro se profundiza en las emociones desde una perspectiva bioética. La dimensión subjetiva del ser humano a partir del siglo XX volvió a vincularse tanto a la filosofía como a la psicología, aunque sin beneficiarse de una fundamentación teórica donde estuvieran presentes la teoría, la epistemología y la práctica. Algunos autores se han acercado a la afectividad humana definiéndola como un "laberinto", donde es muy difícil orientarse y con facilidad extraviarse; allí priman la confusión, el enredo, el desconcierto (...)
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  18. ‘Boghossian’s Blind Reasoning’, Conditionalization, and Thick Concepts. A Functional Model.Olga Ramírez - 2012 - Ethics in Progress Quarterly 3 (1):31-52.
    Boghossian’s (2003) proposal to conditionalize concepts as a way to secure their legitimacy in disputable cases applies well, not just to pejoratives – on whose account Boghossian first proposed it – but also to thick ethical concepts. It actually has important advantages when dealing with some worries raised by the application of thick ethical terms, and the truth and facticity of corresponding statements. In this paper, I will try to show, however, that thick ethical concepts present a specific case, whose (...)
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  19. Meaning under the Threat of Paradox on Two Fronts.Olga Ramirez Calle - 2020 - Analiza I Egzystencja 50:5-17.
    The paper defends the argument that the Resemblance Paradox (RP), or the problem of the ‘under-determination of meaning’, and the Rule-Following Paradox (RFP) are two sides of the same paradox threatening meaning from opposite extremes. After presenting the case, the paradox is reconsidered anew and the supposition that the threat is a pervasive one is challenged.
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    Типологія та політико-правові засади франкізму: сучасні інтерпретації.Olga Ivanytska - 2024 - Empirio 1 (1):22-33.
    У статті здійснено концептуальний аналіз політичної практики франкістського авторитарного режиму, його ідеологічних засад та суспільно-політичних доктрин, розглянуто їхні історичні витоки, фактори та причини формування, складники, сутність, еволюцію та трансформацію ідеологічних принципів і доктрин відповідно до історичних етапів, які пройшов у своєму розвитку іспанський франкістський режим упродовж 1939–1975 років. Доведено відсутність у франкістській Іспанії уніфікованої ідеології, на кшталт націонал-соціалістичного чи фашистського режимів, використання франкізмом розмаїтого консервативного політико-ідеологічного спектра, репрезентованого націоналістичними, традиціоналістськими, конфесійними рухами, коріння яких часто сягає давнього історичного минулого Іспанії. Вивчено (...)
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    Global Poverty, Structural Change, and Role-Ideals.Olga Lenczewska & Kate Yuan - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
    It has often been argued that charitable donations are not a sufficient response to global poverty; individuals need to address structural injustice. Proponents of the Effective Altruism (EA) movement have raised two main problems with this focus on structural injustice. In this paper, we respond to these concerns. The first problem raised by EA proponents is that focusing on structural injustice absolves individuals of any responsibility other than political ones. In response, we argue that discharging this duty requires more commitment (...)
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  22.  23
    Ética de la investigación y de la publicación científica: reto y propuesta para científicos y editores.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Bioética 19 (1):e4222.
    La investigación en general y la investigación biomédica en particular han de tener como uno de sus resultados obligados la publicación científica, para su visibilidad y mejor aporte a la sociedad, sin embargo, muchas veces se encuentra un desbalance entre el cuidado ético de la investigación y las consideraciones éticas de la publicación. Esta diferencia puede repercutir negativamente y de manera directa sobre la credibilidad y la factibilidad de reproducibilidad de la primera y las posibilidades de difusión de la segunda, (...)
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  23. Between Non-Cognitivism and Realism in Ethics: A Three Fold Model.Olga Ramirez - 2011 - Prolegomena (Croatia) 10 (1):101-11202.
    Abstracts The aim of the paper is to propose an alternative model to realist and non-cognitive explanations of the rule-guided use of thick ethical concepts and to examine the implications that may be drawn from this and similar cases for our general understanding of rule-following and the relation between criteria of application, truth and correctness. It addresses McDowell’s non-cognitivism critique and challenges his defence of the entanglement thesis for thick ethical concepts. Contrary to non-cognitivists, however, I propose to view the (...)
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  24. Chornobyl as an Open Air Museum: A Polysemic Exploration of Power and Inner Self.Olga Bertelsen - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:1-36.
    This study focuses on nuclear tourism, which flourished a decade ago in the Exclusion Zone, a regimented area around the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Ukraine) established in 1986, where the largest recorded nuclear explosion in human history occurred. The mass pilgrimage movement transformed the place into an open air museum, a space that preserves the remnants of Soviet culture, revealing human tragedies of displacement and deaths, and the nature of state nuclear power. This study examines the impact of the site (...)
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  25. Discusión en torno a la vacunación profiláctica contra el virus del papiloma humano.Robert Anthony Gamboa Dennis - 2019 - Revista de Bioética y Derecho 2019 (45):111-125.
    En el presente artículo se aborda la problemática en torno al virus del papiloma humano —el cual causa diversos cánceres, destacando el cáncer cervicouterino—, y la vacunación para prevenir contra dicha infección. Primero, se describen la morbilidad y la mortalidad del virus y las características de las vacunas. Segundo, se discuten los problemas referentes a la eficacia y la seguridad de las vacunas. Tercero, se discuten dos problemas éticos en torno a la vacunación contra el VPH: ¿debe ser obligatoria u (...)
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  26. 55 años de mayo del 68 … y de la Humanae vitae. Una reflexión bioética.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2022 - Vida y Ética 24:9-24.
    En 1968 ocurrieron dos hechos sobre los cuales cabe hacer una reflexión orientada por la bioética: la llamada Revolución del 68 y la aparición de la Carta encíclica Humanae Vitae. El Concilio Vaticano II, que fue presentado como una actualización de la Iglesia católica al mundo moderno, fue el escenario de los estudios previos a la redacción del documento pontificio, donde Pablo VI dejó clara la postura del Magisterio de la Iglesia sobre la moral sexual y anticipa los errores prácticos (...)
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  27. Beyond Witches, Angels and Unicorns. The Possibility of Expanding Russell´s Existential Analysis.Olga Ramirez - 2018 - E-Logos Electronic Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):4-15.
    This paper attempts to be a contribution to the epistemological project of explaining complex conceptual structures departing from more basic ones. The central thesis of the paper is that there are what I call “functionally structured concepts”, these are non-harmonic concepts in Dummett’s sense that might be legitimized if there is a function that justifies the tie between the inferential connection the concept allows us to trace. Proving this requires enhancing the russellian existential analysis of definite descriptions to apply to (...)
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  28. If I Could Just Stop Loving You: Anti-Love Biotechnology and the Ethics of a Chemical Breakup.Brian D. Earp, Olga A. Wudarczyk, Anders Sandberg & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (11):3-17.
    “Love hurts”—as the saying goes—and a certain amount of pain and difficulty in intimate relationships is unavoidable. Sometimes it may even be beneficial, since adversity can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a range of other components of a life well-lived. But other times, love can be downright dangerous. It may bind a spouse to her domestic abuser, draw an unscrupulous adult toward sexual involvement with a child, put someone under the insidious spell of a cult leader, and even inspire (...)
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  29. Inventario de la filosofía en Nuevo León.Miguel de la Torre Gamboa & Rolando Picos Bovio (eds.) - 2012 - Juan Pablos Editor.
    A reflection on the philosophical traditions at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon and in the city of Monterrey.
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  30. Inconsistency between the Circulatory and the Brain Criteria of Death in the Uniform Determination of Death Act.Alberto Molina-Pérez, James L. Bernat & Anne Dalle Ave - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):422-433.
    The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) provides that “an individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead.” We show that the UDDA contains two conflicting interpretations of the phrase “cessation of functions.” By one interpretation, what matters for the determination of death is the cessation of spontaneous functions only, regardless of their generation by artificial means. By the (...)
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  31. Invasive Weeds in Parmenides' Garden.Olga Ramirez Calle - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (60):391-412.
    The paper attempts to conciliate the important distinction between what-is, or exists, and what-is-not _thereby supporting Russell’s existential analysis_ with some Meinongian insights. For this purpose, it surveys the varied inhabitants of the realm of ‘non-being’ and tries to clarify their diverse statuses. The position that results makes it possible to rescue them back in surprising but non-threatening form, leaving our ontology safe from contradiction.
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  32. 1994 рік: нові горизонти.Olga Petrova - 2019 - «Наукові Записки НаУКМА. Історія І Теорія Культури» 2 (14):105-111.
    Статтю присвячено складним психологічним і матеріальним обставинам, у яких розвивалася культура України (Києва) у 1994 р. за умов фінансового дефіциту в країні та політичного безладу і невизначеності. Йдеться про зусилля інтелектуалів (філософів та митців) протистояти негативним обставинам тодішньої ситуації і працювати на перспективу. Завдяки фінансуванню Фонду Дж. Сороса було засновано програму «Трансформація гуманітарної освіти в Україні», яка сприяла відбору та виданню підручників нового покоління для незалежної України. Ініціаторами видання був Інститут філософії України та директор програми Н. Вяткіна. Творчий горизонт визначився (...)
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  33. Digital Transformation and Innovation in Business: the Impact of Strategic Alliances and Their Success Factors.I. Kryvovyazyuk, I. Britchenko, S. Smerichevskyi, L. Kovalska, V. Dorosh & P. Kravchuk - 2023 - Ikonomicheski Izsledvania 32 (1):3-17.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific approach that substantiates the impact of the creation of strategic alliances (SA) on the digital transformation of business and the development of their innovative power based on identified success factors. The aim was achieved using the following methods: abstract logic and typification (for classification of SA's success factors), generalization (to determine the peculiarities of SA's influence on their innovation development), analytical and ranking method (to determine the relationship between the dynamics (...)
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  34. The Birth of the Idea of Perfectibility: From the Enlightenment to Transhumanism.Anastasia Ugleva & Olga Vinogradova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):132-147.
    Starting from the Age of Enlightenment, a person’s ability of self-improvement, or perfectibility, is usually seen as a fundamental human feature. However, this term, introduced into the philosophical vocabulary by J.-J. Rousseau, gradually acquired additional meaning – largely due to the works of N. de Condorcet, T. Malthus and C. Darwin. Owing to perfectibility, human beings are not only able to work on themselves: by improving their abilities, they are also able to change their environment (both social and natural) and (...)
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  35. E-Cigarettes and the Multiple Responsibilities of the FDA.Larisa Svirsky, Dana Howard & Micah L. Berman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):5-14.
    This paper considers the responsibilities of the FDA with regard to disseminating information about the benefits and harms of e-cigarettes. Tobacco harm reduction advocates claim that the FDA has been overcautious and has violated ethical obligations by failing to clearly communicate to the public that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than cigarettes. We argue, by contrast, that the FDA’s obligations in this arena are more complex than they may appear at first blush. Though the FDA is accountable for informing the (...)
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  36. Artificial Intelligence, Control and Legitimacy.Olga Gil - manuscript
    In this work, a general framework for the analysis of governance of artificial intelligence is presented. A dashboard developed for this analysis comes from the perspective of political theory. This dashboard allows eventual comparisons between democratic and non democratic regimes, useful for countries in the global south and western countries. The dashboard allows us to assess the key features that determine the governance model for artificial intelligence at the national level, for local governments and for other participant actors. The dashboard (...)
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  37. Principles of the System Approach in Family Consulting.Olga Yakovenko - 2018 - Psychology and Psychosocial Interventions 1:62-67.
    The article considers the problem of the system model of family counseling, in particular, the analysis of the family as a social system, as a complex of elements and their properties, which are in dynamic connections and relationships. The analysis of the theory of systems and the description of the principles of family counseling is carried out. Particular attention is paid to highlighting the main provisions of the individual (“adlerian”) psychology in counseling the family. -/- Currently among specialists there is (...)
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  38. Discourse Ethics and Practical Knowledge Stable Structures for Practical Reasoning.Ramírez Calle Olga - 2022 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 42:53-85.
    The present paper 1departs from the discussion on the foundation of morality in Discourse Ethics (DE) and the criticism raised against it, coming to reconstruct in a somewhat different way the foundational process. A first section is dedicated to analysing the difficulties of Habermas distinction between morality and ethics and the criticism raised against it, questioning a) the possibility to set the difference in the distinction between norms and values and b) the presumed neutrality of DE regarding ethical evaluations. A (...)
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  39. OBO Foundry in 2021: Operationalizing Open Data Principles to Evaluate Ontologies.Rebecca C. Jackson, Nicolas Matentzoglu, James A. Overton, Randi Vita, James P. Balhoff, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Seth Carbon, Melanie Courtot, Alexander D. Diehl, Damion Dooley, William Duncan, Nomi L. Harris, Melissa A. Haendel, Suzanna E. Lewis, Darren A. Natale, David Osumi-Sutherland, Alan Ruttenberg, Lynn M. Schriml, Barry Smith, Christian J. Stoeckert, Nicole A. Vasilevsky, Ramona L. Walls, Jie Zheng, Christopher J. Mungall & Bjoern Peters - 2021 - BioaRxiv.
    Biological ontologies are used to organize, curate, and interpret the vast quantities of data arising from biological experiments. While this works well when using a single ontology, integrating multiple ontologies can be problematic, as they are developed independently, which can lead to incompatibilities. The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry was created to address this by facilitating the development, harmonization, application, and sharing of ontologies, guided by a set of overarching principles. One challenge in reaching these goals was that the (...)
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  40. The Philosophers' Brief on Chimpanzee Personhood.Kristin Andrews, Gary Comstock, Gillian Crozier, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler John, L. Syd M. Johnson, Robert Jones, Will Kymlicka, Letitia Meynell, Nathan Nobis, David Pena-Guzman, James Rocha, Bernard Rollin, Jeff Sebo, Adam Shriver & Rebecca Walker - 2018 - Proposed Brief by Amici Curiae Philosophers in Support of the Petitioner-Appelllant Court of Appeals, State of New York,.
    In this brief, we argue that there is a diversity of ways in which humans (Homo sapiens) are ‘persons’ and there are no non-arbitrary conceptions of ‘personhood’ that can include all humans and exclude all nonhuman animals. To do so we describe and assess the four most prominent conceptions of ‘personhood’ that can be found in the rulings concerning Kiko and Tommy, with particular focus on the most recent decision, Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc v Lavery.
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  41. Джерела реєстру російсько-українського академічного словника за редакцією А. Кримського та С. Єфремова та їхній вплив на академічний словник.Olga Los - 2018 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 4:155-165.
    У статті описано джерела реєстру російсько-українського академічного словника за редакцією А. Кримського та С. Єфремова, а також інших російсько-українських словників 20-х рр. ХХ ст. Реєстри тогочасних перекладних словників базувалися переважно на реєстрах перекладних словників, виданих раніше, частково залучалися словники інших типів, зокрема термінологічні, а також матеріали преси.
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  42. The Space Object Ontology.Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith - 2016 - In Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith (eds.), 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2016). IEEE.
    Achieving space domain awareness requires the identification, characterization, and tracking of space objects. Storing and leveraging associated space object data for purposes such as hostile threat assessment, object identification, and collision prediction and avoidance present further challenges. Space objects are characterized according to a variety of parameters including their identifiers, design specifications, components, subsystems, capabilities, vulnerabilities, origins, missions, orbital elements, patterns of life, processes, operational statuses, and associated persons, organizations, or nations. The Space Object Ontology provides a consensus-based realist framework (...)
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  43. Поезія і/чи проза: до археології однієї дискусії в радянському кіно.Briukhovetska Olga - 2017 - NaUKMA Research Papers. History and Theory of Culture 191:33-41.
    У дослідженні проаналізовано теоретичні джерела і політичні наслідки статті московського кінокритика М. Блеймана «Архаїсти чи новатори?» (1970), яку вважають обґрунтуванням заборони школи українського поетичного кіно як «безперспективного» напряму. Статтю М. Блеймана вміщено в контекст дискусії про поетичне і прозаїчне кіно, яку систематизовано щодо двох підходів: нормативного, який вважає лише один із напрямів кіно релевантним його природі (йому відповідає сполучник «чи»), і плюралістичного, який розглядає обидва напрями як актуалізації різних кінематографічних потенцій згідно з тими завданнями, що ставлять режисери (йому відповідає сполучник (...)
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  44. Трудове лібідо: фільм «Тіні забутих предків» і сексуалізація праці в радянському уявному.Olga Briukhovetska - 2018 - NaUKMA Research Papers. History and Theory of Culture 1:35-41.
    У статті розглянуто те, яким чином праця сексуалізується в радянському уявному і яким чином у фільмі «Тіні забутих предків» Сергія Параджанова здійснено культурну операцію дезідентифікації із офіційною радянською трудовою пропагандою, яка ґрунтувалась на прихованій операції ототожнення сексуального і трудового лібідо. Таким чином було включено фільм «Тіні забутих» у генеалогію радянських режимів репрезентації праці, що дало змогу розширити звичний інтерпретативний контекст цього фільму, який зазвичай обмежується питанням національної ідентичності.
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  45. On the continuum fallacy: is temperature a continuous function?Aditya Jha, Douglas Campbell, Clemency Montelle & Phillip L. Wilson - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (69):1-29.
    It is often argued that the indispensability of continuum models comes from their empirical adequacy despite their decoupling from the microscopic details of the modelled physical system. There is thus a commonly held misconception that temperature varying across a region of space or time can always be accurately represented as a continuous function. We discuss three inter-related cases of temperature modelling — in phase transitions, thermal boundary resistance and slip flows — and show that the continuum view is fallacious on (...)
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  46. How to Teach Engineering Ethics?: A Retrospective and Prospective Sketch of TU Delft’s Approach to Engineering Ethics Education.J. B. van Grunsven, L. Marin, T. W. Stone, S. Roeser & N. Doorn - 2021 - Advances in Engineering Education 9 (4).
    This paper provides a retrospective and prospective overview of TU Delft’s approach to engineering ethics education. For over twenty years, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section at TU Delft has been at the forefront of engineering ethics education, offering education to a wide range of engineering and design students. The approach developed at TU Delft is deeply informed by the research of the Section, which is centered around Responsible Research and Innovation, Design for Values, and Risk Ethics. These theoretical (...)
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  47. Volodymyr Vynnychenko and the Early Ukrainian Decadent Film (1917–1918).Kirillova Olga - 2017 - NaUKMA Research Papers. History and Theory of Culture 191:52-55.
    The article is focused on the phenomenon of the early Ukrainian decadent cinema, in particular, in relation to filmings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s dramaturgy. One of the brightest examples of ‘film decadence’ in Vynnychenko’s oevre is “The Lie” directed by Vyacheslav Vyskovs’ky in 1918, discovered recently in the film archives. This film displays the principles of ‘ethical symbolism’, ‘dark’ expressionist aesthetics and remains the unique masterpiece of specifically Ukranian film decadence.
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  48. Деякі зауваги до методології культурологічної аналітики кінематографа.Olga Kyrylova - 2019 - «Наукові Записки НаУКМА. Історія І Теорія Культури» 2 (9):64-71.
    У статті ставиться питання про побудову інструментальної моделі культурологічної аналітики кінематографа. Запропоновано виокремити такі її методологічні виміри: морфологічний, історико-культурологічний, культурно-типологічний, культурно-цивілізаційний, семіотичний, культурно-антропологічний та деякі інші. На відміну від універсальної, обґрунтовано специфічну культурологічну модель танатологічного аналізу кінематографа з такими рівнями: танатохронотопічним, еротанатологічним та ін.
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  49. Філософія кіно, метод моделювання та проблема декадентського кінотвору.Olga Kirillova - 2018 - NaUKMA Research Papers. History and Theory of Culture 1:17-23.
    Статтю присвячено реконструкції узагальненої моделі твору декадентського кінематографа як стилізованого кінематографа moderne, що є яскравим прикладом застосування філософської інтерпретації до кінематографа і феномену кінореальності. Ця модель має такі рівні: морфологічний, стилістичний, інтертекстуальний, ритмічний, аудіальний, тактильний, монтажний, специфічно-антропологічний і специфічно-наративний.
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  50. Ukrainian Students in Spain after World War II.Oleksandr Pronkevych & Olga Shestopal - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:117-132.
    The paper analyzes a book written by Volodymyr Yarymovych, Oleksandr Bilyk, and Mykola Volynskyi, entitled Narys istorii ukrainskoi studentskoi hromady ta Ukrainskykh poselen v Espanii 1946–1996 (An Overview of the History of the Ukrainian Student Community and Ukrainian Settlements in Spain, 1946–1996), which tells about the Ukrainian students who arrived in Madrid in 1946 and formed part of the early Ukrainian Diaspora in Spain. The book proves to be an important source of information, previously unknown to scholars, which describes the (...)
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